Main LFC


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teaching:lfc [2010/07/07 12:16] external edit
teaching:lfc [2014/10/20 20:02]
Line 6: Line 6:
   * [[..:​people:​brev|Luca Breveglieri]]   * [[..:​people:​brev|Luca Breveglieri]]
-  * [[..:​people:​crespi|Stefano Crespi Reghizzi]] 
   * [[http://​​morzenti|Angelo Morzenti]]   * [[http://​​morzenti|Angelo Morzenti]]
 === Teaching Assistants === === Teaching Assistants ===
-  * [[..:​people:​dibiagio|Andrea di Biagio]] 
   * [[http://​​barenghi|Alessandro Barenghi]]   * [[http://​​barenghi|Alessandro Barenghi]]
-  * [[http://​​dalseno|Bernardo Dal Seno]] +  * Marcello Bersani
-  * [[..:​people:​simone|Simone Campanoni]] +
-  * [[..:​people:​sykora|Martino Sykora]]+
 This course, offered in the first year of //laurea specialistica//​ (2 years graduate studies), covers lexical and syntactic analysis, both from the theoretical and practical points of view. This course, offered in the first year of //laurea specialistica//​ (2 years graduate studies), covers lexical and syntactic analysis, both from the theoretical and practical points of view.
 This course is offered both in Italian and English at Politecnico di Milano. This course is offered both in Italian and English at Politecnico di Milano.
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